Where's My Rosary / Jane Mawer


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Faced with irreversible rheumatoid arthritis from the age of ten, Jane Mawer’s faith remains unshakeable despite the most crippling physical, emotional and spiritual challenges – challenges that she has had to face every day of her life.

Jane can dare to talk to each of us about pain, loss and grief because these are the experiences of her own life: experiences that have shaped her and her relationship with God, who is her father and who loves here.

God won’t go away, neither will pain, neither will death.

Jane is an ordinary person, facing extraordinary suffering with courage and with faith. She writes simply and directly, she shares her raw experience of pain and tragedy in straightforward and honest language. This is a book to challenge us all, and to bring hope to many.

“Jane is a free spirit who is able to fly where only the bravest eagles dare – it is the story of the eagle who flew very high without ever leaving her wheel chair. I recommend it completely as an inspiring book which is needed in our troubled times”. Mgr Michael Bukley

“This book will be an inspiration to many who, I am sure, will draw courage from it and be imbued with your own faith and trust in God”. Cormac Murphy O’Connor, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster

“This book is a treasure”. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Jane Mawer lives with her husband Paul and their daughter Rebecca in Gwynedd, North Wales. She is now a member of the Welsh Academy for her contribution to literature in Wales.

13 item(s), $535.70