Discover the Other Universe: the Sacred Way of the Redemption / Theodossios-Marie of the Cross


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All who knew Father Theodossios Marie of the Cross will never forget the indelible impression he gave every time they saw him: the impression of another dimension, a dimension which could be perceived through his conversation, his preaching, his counsel and his friendship and which resonated throughout his very person. It is that dimension which now returns in this collection of his homilies.

Here we can follow the itinerary of the ‘mysteries’ of the liturgical year, rediscovering and reliving the evangelic force with which they are charged: from the Annunciation to Pentecost, from devotion to the Sacred Heart to the Kingship of Christ.

We are made to pause again, reflecting on the deepest doctrines of the Chuch, contemplating its own mystery, that of Christ’s sacrifice, of the Holy Mass, of our own resurrection as a participation in the resurrection of Christ.

These are pages full of light, drawn from Father Theodossios’ original and very personal meditation, always in conformity with what is most valuable in the historical teaching and experience of the Church; conformity to the living Christ of the Gospel and the liturgy.

Father Theodossios was a man who loved to live silently in the truth. In his life he displayed this peaceful interior possession of the divine reality, beyond the multiplicity of noise and words so often devoid of real meaning and beyond the empty pressures of this world. He achieved a special communion with innumerable souls, who through this contact found true conversion and the deepest meaning of things, of life, of history: that other universe, the one which is vibrant with the power of the Redemption

Born in Patras, Greece in 1909, Father Theodossios united in his life the Oriental tradition in which he grew up, and the Western tradition that he loved and embraced as a priest of the Church. His word and the Work of the Fraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary which he founded have one unique goal: to make men in the truth, and to reveal to them another universe so that they might find joy and hope. Father Theodossios died in 1989 in Bagnoregio, Italy.

6 item(s), $237.05