Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
This booklet, ideal for parish use, is not only a guide for those acquainting themselves with the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (popularly known as the Tridentine Rite), but also a resource for those already familiar with this rich liturgy. Beautifully typeset and illustrated, The Order of Mass also contains an introduction to the Extraordinary Form, giving a brief history of the development of the liturgy. Other features include:
• Foreword by the Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia,
• Devotional prayers for before and after Mass
• The prefaces of the season or feast, as well as select prefaces from the Pauline Missal approved for use with the Extraordinary Form
• Thanksgiving prayers after Holy Communion
• Motu propio “Summorum Pontificum” of Pope Benedict XVI
• Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Bishops
• Decisions of the Ecclesia Dei Commission