The Art of Thomas Merton A Divine Passion in Word and Vision / John Moses


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Few religious scholars have been the subject of as much scrutiny and interpretation as Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk, contemplative, social critic, ecumenist, and prolific author of The Seven Storey Mountain as well as 20+ other books. Even fewer have embodied the paradox of earthly devotion as fully as Merton, a man committed to a life of withdrawal from the world, of silence and solitude—who nonetheless spoke out about the abuses of power, civil rights, the environment, nuclear weapons and Vietnam. Fifty years after his death, he remains a surprisingly contemporary figure, addressing time and again the issues that matter to us and to our world.
This inspiring anthology allows Merton to speak for himself, offering both an introduction to his thought and an aid to private devotion, a signpost for our personal journeys of discernment and encounter. The Art of Thomas Mertonbrings together entries from Merton’s journals, extracts from his letters, quotations from his books and his countless articles, and lines from his poetry.
But what truly sets this collection apart is the inclusion of his abstract drawings, exercises in quiet reflection that convey something of the awareness through silence that he was always eager to explore. The drawings invite us to stop, and reflect, and surprise ourselves by new depths of awareness and understanding.
This is not a book to speed-read, to read for study or for the acquisition of knowledge. No, it demands for the words to be read, and the images gazed upon, in the manner of the practice of Lectio Divina, allowing God to speak to you by reading and looking attentively, peacefully, and reflectively until a word, phrase, or image strikes the imagination or the heart.
May you find in the words and drawings of this anthology something of the divine passion—God’s search for us and our search for God—that lay at the heart of Merton’s journey and of all that he had to say.


John Moses is Dean Emeritus of St. Paul's Cathedral, a member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Religion and Public Life and a tutor for the Oxford Continuing Education Theology Summer School. His books include Divine Discontent: The Prophetic Voice of Thomas Merton,  One Equall Light on the life and writings of John Donne, and The Language of Love: Exploring Prayer.     



Advance Praise for The Art of Thomas Merton
“John Moses displays his own artistry and skill in this account of how Thomas Merton explores the mystery of God.  It exhibits Merton’s life, with fresh and compelling insight, as a canvas on which the rich and raw intensity of human experience is displayed.  This is a book with which to spend time in reflection, prayer and delight.
“The sort of materials that Merton uses in his exploration are silence, desire, inter-relatedness, catholic Christendom, and intelligence in all its forms.  Merton’s words and images, half a century later, still touch the issues that define our life and our future, making this a compelling compendium of Christian wisdom.” — Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester
“This anthology of Thomas Merton’s words and calligraphies is an inviting gateway into an experience of enrichment and deep wisdom. Thanks to John Moses, we can enjoyably explore this life-awakening selection.” — Fiona Gardner, author, The Only Mind Worth Having, Thomas Merton and the Child Mind, and Precious Thoughts
“John Moses breaks new ground in this scholarly yet accessible anthology based on Merton’s curious ‘blobs of ink’.  He opens doors for us to get immersed in this complex monk’s understanding of the cosmic dance of life, lived out in each of us in response to God’s call.
His interpretation of Merton’s art is offered to be prayed, not merely read, for through his understanding of the nature and practice of prayer, Merton demonstrated a way of being alive that focuses the Christian hope for all whose awareness is awakened.” — Reverend Canon Dr. Vincent Strudwick,  Honorary Fellow Kellogg College, University of Oxford, author, The Naked God: Wrestling for a Grace-ful Humanity.
“John Moses’ anthology provides an accessible way to introduce the inspirational teaching of Thomas Merton to a new readership. Whether on a coffee table or in a chapel, the synthesis of art and reflective writing around central gospel themes reveal vividly how Merton’s wisdom continues to speak across many diverse cultures today, both inside and outside the Church. Artist and wordsmith combine with beautiful simplicity, inviting us to engage with the profound questions around what it means to respond daily to the gospel of Jesus Christ in an ever changing and uncertain world.” — Right Reverend Paul Williams, Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham
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