Meditations on the Christ/ Romano Guardini


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These pages do not tell you what Jesus did, you know that already! Instead, they take you into the mind and heart of the Son of God in a way you may not have thought possible. You will come to understand the inner logic of Jesus ministry: why Jesus life had to take the course it took, why He could not have been the earthly king many were expecting, and why He could not have conformed to the conventional ideas of a warrior, a hero, or even just a successful man.

You will even see why He had to be abandoned by everyone including His disciples, yet His Father remained close to Him then, just as He remains close to you now. Your new insight into why Jesus chose His own particular paths will illuminate the paths He is choosing for your now and will help you stay on those paths with gratitude and joy.

Let your newfound knowledge of Jesus blossom into joy as directed by these pages you open yourself to the One whose whole being will resound in your heart and will nourish your soul.

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