Little Book of the Work of Infinite Love / Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche


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THE LITTLE BOOK OF THE WORK OF INFINITE LOVE is a brief summary of the life and mission of Mother Louise Margareet Claret de la Touche (1868-1915), a Visitation Sister to whom Our Lord gave many intimate details concerning the love of His Sacred Heart for men. 

Of special importance are her revelations about the Sacred Heart and the Priesthood, showing how Our Lord desires to transform the world by love in particular, by the superabundant supernatural love He desires His priests to show mankind.

This Little Book also contains a description of the Priests Universal Union of the Friends of the Sacred Heart, which Mother Louise founded, an outline of their duties, and selected from her writings. This last will be found suffused with simplicity, directness and holy penetration common to all the Saints.

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