The Liturgical Movement / Rev Fr Didier Bonneterre


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Certainly, historically dom Gueranger and Pope St. Pius X are truly at the origin of the Liturgical Movement, that is, "the renewal of fervor for the liturgy among the clergy and the faithful." But it is a false and pernicious claim that there has been a "homogenous development" in the Movement begun by them resulting in the New Order of Mass! The Liturgical Movement is a fast-reading book on the history of the Liturgical Movement of the last century. How was it diverted from its course? Who made up the brain-trust which led to its early deviation? What was the principle error of these liturgical radicals? In the end, who hijacked the Movement to propagandize for Vatican II and a New Mass? Find out who were the major players hounding the Popes of the era: Beauduin, Bea, Parsch, Guardini, Casel, Jungmann, Lercaro, Botte, Reinhold, Winzen, Congar, Harscouet, (Gaspar) Lefebvre, Danielou, Fischer, Bugnini, Nocent, Bouyer, Thurian, Gy, etc. The Liturgical Movement shows how since before Vatican II, the New Mass had already been conceived - the poisoned fruit of the perversions of the Liturgical Movement. How did the magnificent first-fruits of this great enterprise, which could have brought so much good to the Church, go so awfully bad? Far from being negative, The Liturgical Movement helps us to know what to reject and what we must carefully conserve of the Liturgical Movement, above all for those who work for the maintenance of the Catholic Liturgy as heirs and successors of the work of Dom Gueranger and Pope St. Pius X.

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