DVD Evangelization: What is it and Why do we Need it?/ Tim Staples


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4 CDs

Evangelisation. What is it and why do we need it?

Filmed at the university of Sydney in front of university students, Tim goes through four different areas that are crucial to evangelizing and spreading the Gospel. As Catholics trying to live in a secular world, we need to understand how to react to it and be a light to it.

Disk 1 - Evangelization: What is it and why do we need it?This is the first talk that emphasizes evangelization as essential to the Church's mission and identity. Evangelization is not an option for Christians, it is part and parcel of who we are as followers of Christ.

Disk 2 - Catholicism for Skeptics: In his second talk, Tim will take you from no faith at all to the four marks of the Church. Whether you are a skeptic yourself or if you want to learn how to share your faith with someone who does not believe, this talk is for you. Tim will show you how you can demonstrate the existence of God using good philosophy and good science, as well as how you can prove 'beyond a reasonable doubt' the natural immortality of the human soul, Natural Law, the necessity of divine revelation, and the Catholic Christian Faith as the fulfillment of that Divine Revelation. This talk will empower you to be able to present the only antidote to what Pope Benedict XVI calls the 'dictatorship of relativism' - absolute truth.

Disk 3 -  Black and White: Moral Clarity in a World of GreyIn this third talk, Tim demonstrates theological and moral principles for action in the Christian life that can transform us in our daily lives. From the way we treat our neighbor at the grocery store, to the way that we witness the Faith to the guy who attacks the Catholic Faith, to the way that we vote in the privacy of the polling booth, Catholics are called to 'act like Catholics' in both word and deed. Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture, Tim shows how 'Christ's whole life is a mystery of redemption' (CCC 517) and how 'Christ enables us to live with Him in all that He Himself lived, and He lives in us' (CCC 521). The life of the Christian becomes 'a mystery of redemption' when we understand the power that in unleashed when we act in Christ for the good without compromise.

Disk 4 - "How is Man Saved?" The Catholic View of JustificationIn the final talk of the day, Tim debunks the reformers' doctrine of 'sola fide' (faith alone) using good Biblical apologetics while demonstrating why this teaching is so crucial for us to know ourselves as well as those we give witness to the Faith. This is a hard-hitting series that offers insights and tips to help evangelize the world.

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