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Young Men Rise Up / Ken Barker | Freedom Publishing Books

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Young Men Rise Up / Ken Barker


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Fr. Ken Barker believes in young men. He speaks into a culture in which many young men have become lost and confused in their identity. He points them towards Christ as the one who will answer their deepest questions and bring fulfillment to the profound longings of the human heart. He challenges young men, both single and married, to stand up and be counted. He is confident that through the quality of their lives and their courageous witness, young men can have a major impact for good on the Church and its mission in the contemporary world.

This book pulls no punches. It calls young men to be rooted in faith, to hold firm in the truth, and to keep growing in moral character.

It contains inspiring teaching on the virtues in a way that is relevant for today

This teaching is supported by compelling testimonies of young men, single and married, who share their personal struggle to attain virtue.

The stories of saints, true witnesses of heroic virtue, are also used as attractive role models.

This book is not only to be read by young men, but also by parents, teachers, mentors and guides of the young. Its insights into the life of virtue will be helpful to all.


Young Men, Rise Up presents a straightforward and time tested wisdom as to how young men in this Australian context can live out Jesus' call to be disciples. It does not hide the challenge of commitment, self denial and the practice of virtue. This is a wisdom young men need and a challenge that they're ready to embrace.
- Shayne Bennett, Emmanuel Community, Brisbane.

Congratulations on a marvellous book for young men. It is very timely and will find a wide readership among those who are reaching maturity in a society confused about its values.
This book calls on the idealism of young men, presenting them with a Christian vision of the nobility of manhood.
By cultivating the virtues or “strengths”, they will gain mastery over themselves, overcome their fears and self-doubts and be confident about the dignity of their masculinity.
In following Christ in the way they live they will find true freedom in their generous response and be a powerful force for good in society and an attractive witness to others.
- Most Rev B J Hickey - Archbishop of Perth

This book by Fr Ken Barker provides a most valuable resource for young men seeking an understanding of what it means to be a truly Christian man in today’s cultural climate. The book provides insight into key virtues that mark the nature of a true Christian masculine character. The book provides some moving testimony of young men grappling with the very immediate and real challenges that contemporary society throws up, and shows how a personal faith in Jesus Christ and reliance on the grace of the Holy Spirit can enable them to overcome their difficulties and live full and flourishing lives. The book shows men how they can overcome problems that can cripple their lives and their manhood. It is book of hope and promise that can stir young men to strive for Christian virtue.
The example of the lives of saints recognised by the Church gives stirring testimony to what is possible for men who strive for what is most noble and heroic in living a life in Christ.
I recommend the book to any young man wishing to learn how to grow into full Christian manhood. l recommend the book to youth group leaders as a most valuable resource to inspire young men to noble Christian ideals.
- Bishop Julian Porteous, Sydney.

I strongly recommend this book to Catholic Secondary Schools. For staff it outlines foundational principles for Religious Education and formation of young men. For senior boys in year 10 to 12 it presents the framework for living out the gospel message in a modern context.
- Peter Woods - Director of Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia.



Fr. Ken Barker is the Moderator of the Missionaries of God’s Love, and is the chaplain to the Young Men of God Movement. He is also the director of the Disciples of Jesus Summer Schools of Evangelisation and of the biennial Light to the Nations pilgrimage, which have formed thousands of young people for over 20 years. He is the author of the books Becoming Fire and A Radical Way of Love.

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