One of the most poerful preachers in the Church today delivers a 3 part series from EWTN TV on the profound spiritual significance of the incredible events of Holy WEek. Fr John Corapi, SOLT, presents an in depth look at Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, inspiring us to enter more deeply into this most solemn period of the CHurch's liturgical year.
Fr Corapi enlightens us on the mystery of the Last Supper adn the Paschal Sacrifice on Holy Thursday, and how we share in the Paschal Mystery by goidn to Mass and receiving Holy Communion. For Good Friday he covers the meaning and mystery of suffering and how our suffering takes on great merit when joined with Christ on the cross. On Holy Saturday, just as Jesus descended into hell, we must descent into the pit and darkness in our lives in order to come out into the light of hte resurrection.
This series will help you to be enriched with a greater understanding of the focal point of our Faith - Christ's passion, death and resurrection.
3 x 55 minute programs.