How to Make a Good Confession: A Pocket Guide to Reconciliation with God / Fr John A. Kane


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Fr. John Kane's wise, down-to-earth advice in How to Make a Good Confession shows you how to transform your annual Lenten Confession from a mumbling embarrassment into a profound experience of God's tender love.

Written in the darkest days of World War II, when the future looked more forbidding than it does even today, How to Make a Good Confession shows you how Confession can be for you a powerful antidote to the fear and discouragement that plagues even faithful Catholics in times like these.

This slim volume details the three elements essential to a good Confession, lists the steps of an ordinary Confession (who says what when), includes a list of questions to help you make a proper examination of conscience, and even provides you three Acts of Contrition you can carry with you into the confessional.


But Fr. Kane wants your Confession to be more than rote fulfillment of another obligation.

That's why he shows you how --- before you ever enter the confessional --- you can awaken in yourself those attitudes of mind that will enable you quickly to identify your sins (particularly the hidden ones), grow truly sorry for them, and do your penance as God wants it done.

Better yet: he shows you how sustaining these attitudes in your soul between Confessions will protect you from new sins and ward off the worry and discouragement that afflict us all.


How to Make a Good Confession:
it's not just a Lenten book;
it's a spiritual classic . . .

. . . a work you'll turn to time and again throughout the year when you feel the need to examine your conscience, bring your life back into conformity with the gospel, and experience the blessing of God's mercy.


"A marvelous book. Can provide spiritual nourishment throughout the whole process of repentance, confession, and spiritual growth."
Fr. Mitchell Pacwa, S.J.

"A welcome blessing. Deals with the reality of sin, balancing that with the wonderful gift of God's mercy. It offers a very fine examination of conscience, ideally presented to meet today's needs. It also stresses and encourages growth in virtue as an important sequel to Confession, so that our life in Christ may reach maturity."
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R.

"This magnificent handbook helps you deepen your repentance and make it lasting. Don't go to Confession without it!"
Patrick Madrid
Envoy Magazine

"It is a great thing to make a good confession, and this is a good book about how to do it."
Fr. George Rutler

3 item(s), $157.85