Spirit of Truth Grade 1 Teacher Guide: God is Love


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Spirit of Truth provides interactive, teacher-led lesson plans for every day of the school year, including vivid sacred art reflections, stories of the saints, games, role-plays, and critical thinking questions, to help you capture and keep your students' attention.

Spirit of Truth covers the breadth of the entire Catechism in a rich and age-appropriate way and is designed to connect with students of diverse backgrounds and differing familiarity with the Catholic Faith.

While it's important for your students to understand the Faith, Spirit of Truth is designed to help them internalize the Faith and apply it to their own lives, providing ample opportunity for them to reflect on how everything they are learning applies to their own lived experience.

A master teacher will be assigned to you as long as you have the curriculum. They will introduce Spirit of Truth to your staff via live webinar and be available throughout the year as a resource for questions and ideas. Supplemental online resources will keep your content fresh and relevant to your students, such as weekly Sunday Gospel lessons, Liturgical calendar content, lessons on current events, and much more.

Grade 1:

Students begin to develop an awareness of God as our Father in Heaven, the creator of Heaven and earth, who is all good, who created them in His image and likeness, and who loves them unconditionally.
- Basic parts of the Mass.
- The reality of sin in connection with the Sacrament of Confession.
- The lives of saints and the basics of prayer as a conversation with God.

11 item(s), $549.45