The Age of Martyrs: Christianity from Diocletian (284) to Constantine (337) / Abbot Giuseppe Ricciotti


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In The Age of Martyrs; the famous Catholic historian Abbot Giuseppe Ricciotti records the epochal events of Roman history from the rise of Diocletian (284) to the death of Constantine the Great (337); a period which witnessed the last and greatest of the 10 persecutions of the Christians by the Roman government. Impr. 305 pgs; PB
Abbot Giuseppe Ricciotti was born at Rome in 1890. In 1906 he entered the Congregation of Canons Regular of the Lateran, and was ordained a priest seven years after. He was a noted biblical scholar and orientalist, teaching Hebrew and comparative Semitics for two years in Genoa. He also taught Church history at the University of Bari for ten years. Abbot Ricciotti s works include The Life of Christ, Paul the Apostle, The Acts of the Apostles, The Age of Martyrs, and Julian the Apostate. His books remain unique and noteworthy for their accurate information and clear, attractive style. He died in 1964.
20 item(s), $1,023.00