Frances Cabrini: A Saint for America / Sergius C. Lorit


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Early Life: Francesca Cabrini was born in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano Lombardy, Italy, one of thirteen children from Agostino Cabrini and Stella Oldini who were rich cherry tree farmers. Sadly only four of eleven survived beyond adolescence.[1] Small and weak as a child, born two months premature, she remained in delicate health throughout her 67 years.

Cabrini took religious vows in 1877 and added Xavier to her name to honor the Jesuit saint, Francis Xavier. She became the mother superior of the House of Providence orphanage in Codogno, where she taught.

In 1880, the orphanage was closed. She and six other sisters that took religious vows with her founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC) on November 14. Mother Cabrini composed the rules and constitution of the order, and she continued as its superior-general until her death. The order established seven homes and a free school and nursery in its first five years. Its good works brought Mother Cabrini to the attention of Giovanni Scalabrini, bishop of Piacenza and of Pope Leo XIII.Wikipedia 2011.

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