John Henry Newman: A Very English Saint / Peter M. Chisnall


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As the sanctity of John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890) finally receives formal recognition by the Church, there is ever more interest in this very English of priests.

Based on extensive study of Newman's letters, diaries and private journals, this biography reveals much about the man who became a Cardinal, but particularly Newman's role in the regeneration of English Catholicism. Newman's intellectual and spiritual fecundity, his radical approach to understanding doctrine and his championship of the laity was of enormous importance. It profoundly influenced the Second Vatican Council and continues in its impact on the Church today.

In this book full weight is given to Newman's formative Oxford and Anglican years, of which his Catholic life and Oratorian ministry was in so many ways a fulfilment. Newman's many roles are thoroughly explored - as preacher, theologian, hymn writer, educationalist, controversialist, champion of the laity, and, above all, as priest and man of prayer.

Dr Peter M. Chisnall has worked in industry and consultancy, and held academic posts in both Manchester and Dublin. He has previously published books on enterprise development, the health and social needs of the disabled, and consumer and corporate behaviour. He has made a special study of the life and writings of Newman.

11 item(s), $549.45