Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting / Aidan Hart


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Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting - Egg Tempera, Fresco, Secco

Aidan Hart / Forward by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales / Preface by the Most Reverend Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia

This is the most comprehensive book to date on the techniques of icon and wall painting. Illustrated with more than 450 colour photos and 180 drawings, this book will be a source of pleasure and inspiration for the general reader as well as the practising icon writer. It sets artistic practice in the context of the Church’s spirituality and liturgy, including chapters on: the theology and history of the icon, the role and symbolism of the iconostasis, the principles behind the positioning of wall paintings within churches and more. This work is also indispensible for any painter working in egg tempera, fresco or secco. All the necessary processes are covered, including: gilding, lime plastering and more. As a wonderful bonus, because the author teaches at The Prince’s School of Traditional Art, H.R.H. Prince Charles has written a thought provoking foreword about iconography. Freedom is proud to be the publisher in conjunction with Gracewing UK of this beautiful and useful work, which would definitely be a welcome addition to the library of not only a painter, but to that of anyone who appreciates the icon as prayer form.

ISBN 978-0-85244-215-9 / 430 pages

1 item(s), $59.95