The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community / Congregation for the Clergy


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This instruction, which is the fruit of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy looks in detail at “the function of the priest in the parish community, bringing to the fore the centrality of Christ who should always be prominent in the mission of the Church.” (John Paul II)

The document explores the common priesthood of all the faithful, clarifies the limits of the participation of the laity in the parish ministry, and gives guidance on how “to overcome the danger of clericalising the laity and of secularising the clergy”. The first section explores the priestly identity, calling for a specific journey to holiness, personal unity of life and exploring the vital importance of the fidelity of the priest to ecclesiastical discipline.

The second section deals with the office of the parish priest and the parish in general, suggesting responses to the challenges of the new millennium not in new pastoral plans but in a renewed discovery of “the mystery and sacramental nature” of the ordained priesthood.

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