My Love for You / Stella Casalta


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Places of pilgrimage are on the increase. Pilgrims who choose to foster the graces they receive in obedience to God experience, perhaps for the first time, deep intimacy with Our Lord. One such is Stella Caslata, a housewife and mother in her fifties. Until 1989 she was a Catholic, faithful in her duties, more out of fear than love. In that year she joined a pilgrimage with her close friend Joyce.

Both returned home changed people, in that their spiritual lives have entered new but different dimensions.

Whereas Joyce has been given a deep love of Our Lord without any special insight, Stella has been led to overcome her agoraphobia, led by Our Lord himself to undertake tasks at Mass which terrified her at first but which she has been able to perform with growing confidence.

More unusually, after receiving Holy Communion, she has been granted inner visions of Our Lord and Our Lady who give her messages concerning her family and other friends and neighbours. For example, she has been given a fruitful ministry to the sick and dying of her own neighbourhood, comforting them by assuring them of God’s personal love and helping them to die well.

Other messages are for everyone in general, given to assure them of God’s deep merciful love for each one.

In this beautiful and inspirational book, Stella Casalta shares with us these messages of universal love. Reading them, and holding them in our hearts, we also share in her personal encounter with Jesus.

1 item(s), $37.50