From Hermes to Benedict XVI: Faith and Reason in Modern Catholic Thought / Aidan Nichols


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The question of Faith and Reason is central to Catholic thought today. Aidan Nichols charts the development of the topic through key figures who set in every essential the terms of the debate between faith and reason whose issue, where official Catholicism is concerned, may be found as the twentieth century drew to its close in the encyclical letter Fides et ratio (1998) of John Paul II. Aidan Nichols is an invaluable guide through the various accounts of the faith/reason relationship available within the parameters of Catholicism, and offers an approach which seems well-suited both to the demands of theology and to the philosophical needs of the present time.

Read the review in AD2000 here.

Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P., a Dominican priest, is currently the John Paul II Memorial Visiting Lecturer, University of Oxford; has served as the Robert Randall Distinguished Professor in Christian Culture, Providence College; and is a Fellow of Greyfriars, Oxford. He has also served as the Prior of the Dominicans at St. Michael’s Priory, Cambridge. Father Nichols is the author of numerous books including Looking at the Liturgy, Holy Eucharist, and The Thought of Benedict XVI.

1 item(s), $37.50