Simply Faithful My Catholic Prayer Journal The Sacred Heart / Barb Szyszkiewicz


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Simple to use — and simply beautiful — the Simply Faithful: My Catholic Prayer Journal is now available. Simply Faithful offers brief reflections on Catholic prayer and provides lined pages for notes, prayers, doodles — whatever draws you closer to God. It’s an uncomplicated and flexible journal you can use any way you like. The unique Sacred Heart motif is a modern design that calls to mind the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

About the Artist

Abigail Halpin is an illustrator and surface designer, creating Catholic artwork as Petronille Press. A firm believer that “beauty will save the world,” Abigail is inspired in her work by nature, all things vintage, and stories of the saints. You can find her work online at,, and Instagram (@petronillepress).

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