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Therese of Lisieux / Coline Dupay, Davide Perconti and Francesco RizzatoTherese of Lisieux / Coline Dupay, Davide Perconti and Francesco Rizzato
The Mystery of Divine Love / Fr Wojciech GiertychThe Mystery of Divine Love / Fr Wojciech Giertych
Paschal Paradox / Dairmuid O'MurhuPaschal Paradox / Dairmuid O'Murhu
Stand Still / Terry HersheyStand Still / Terry Hershey
Joy / Edited by Fr Sebastian White OPJoy / Edited by Fr Sebastian White OP
Frequent Confession / Fr Benedict Baur OSBFrequent Confession / Fr Benedict Baur OSB
Christianity Matters / Edited by Dr Kevin DonnellyChristianity Matters / Edited by Dr Kevin Donnelly
A Captain's Portrait / Adam Koch (Paperback)A Captain's Portrait / Adam Koch (Paperback)
The Glory of the Lord a Theological Aesthetics: Volume V The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern Age / Hans Urs von BalthasarThe Glory of the Lord a Theological Aesthetics: Volume V The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern Age / Hans Urs von Balthasar
Derrick VC in His Own Words / Edited by Mark JohnstonDerrick VC in His Own Words / Edited by Mark Johnston
Matron of Paris / Phillip CampbellMatron of Paris / Phillip Campbell
Sisters of the Last Straw Vol 8 The Case of the Missing Maps / Karen Kelly BoyceSisters of the Last Straw Vol 8 The Case of the Missing Maps / Karen Kelly Boyce
The Greatest Commandment  A Fulton Sheen Anthology on Love / Archbishop Fulton J SheenThe Greatest Commandment A Fulton Sheen Anthology on Love / Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
7 Secrets of Divine Mercy / Vinny Flynn7 Secrets of Divine Mercy / Vinny Flynn
The Wrath of God / Fr Livio FanzagaThe Wrath of God / Fr Livio Fanzaga
Mother Angelica's Guide to the Spiritual Life / Mother AngelicaMother Angelica's Guide to the Spiritual Life / Mother Angelica
Catholics in the Kitchen / Alexandra GreeleyCatholics in the Kitchen / Alexandra Greeley
Atonement / Margaret TurekAtonement / Margaret Turek
Pegeen/ Hilda van SockumPegeen/ Hilda van Sockum
Jerome Lejeune / Aude DugastJerome Lejeune / Aude Dugast
Angel Food Boys Girls V 1Angel Food Boys Girls V 1
An Easy way to Become a Saint / Fr Paul O'Sullivan OP EDM STLAn Easy way to Become a Saint / Fr Paul O'Sullivan OP EDM STL
YOUCAT Dialogical CatechesisYOUCAT Dialogical Catechesis
150 People Places and things you never knew were Catholic / Jay Copp150 People Places and things you never knew were Catholic / Jay Copp
Devil in the Castle / Dan BurkeDevil in the Castle / Dan Burke
Compendium of Marian Devotions / Fr Ed BroomCompendium of Marian Devotions / Fr Ed Broom
Heliotropium / Rev Fr Jeremias Drexelius SJHeliotropium / Rev Fr Jeremias Drexelius SJ
Unsettled / Steven E KooninUnsettled / Steven E Koonin

Sub-Total: $1,185.72

28 item(s), $1,185.72