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Diogenes Unveiled / Philip LawlerDiogenes Unveiled / Philip Lawler
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Angel and Dragon / Meriol TrevorAngel and Dragon / Meriol Trevor
Draw Close to Jesus  / Merrideth FredianiDraw Close to Jesus / Merrideth Frediani
The Adventures of Loupio Vol 6 The Quest / Jean-Francois KiefferThe Adventures of Loupio Vol 6 The Quest / Jean-Francois Kieffer
7 Secrets of Divine Mercy / Vinny Flynn7 Secrets of Divine Mercy / Vinny Flynn
Spiritual Excellence / Deacon Richard EasonSpiritual Excellence / Deacon Richard Eason
Marriage Family and the Church / Pia MatthewsMarriage Family and the Church / Pia Matthews
Simply Faithful My Catholic Prayer Journal  The Sacred Heart / Barb SzyszkiewiczSimply Faithful My Catholic Prayer Journal The Sacred Heart / Barb Szyszkiewicz
Catholic Essentials / Fr Wade MenzesCatholic Essentials / Fr Wade Menzes
God's Plan for Your Marriage / Fr Robert AltierGod's Plan for Your Marriage / Fr Robert Altier
The Catholic Mass / Bishop Athanasius SchneiderThe Catholic Mass / Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Communion in the Hand / Most Rev Juan Rodolfo LaiseCommunion in the Hand / Most Rev Juan Rodolfo Laise
Angelo Maria Rinolfi  The Preacher / John Michael HillAngelo Maria Rinolfi The Preacher / John Michael Hill
Douay Rheims Confirmation Gift BibleDouay Rheims Confirmation Gift Bible
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Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Joshua /Curtis Mitch, Scott HahnIgnatius Catholic Study Bible: Joshua /Curtis Mitch, Scott Hahn
The BibleThe Bible
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The Day Is Now Far Spent / Cardinal Robert Sarah & Nicolas DiatThe Day Is Now Far Spent / Cardinal Robert Sarah & Nicolas Diat
Douay Rheims Hard Bound Bible / Loreto PublicaitonsDouay Rheims Hard Bound Bible / Loreto Publicaitons
Mass & Adoration Companion Spanish (Devocionario Para la Misa y la Adoracion) / Vinny & Erin FlynnMass & Adoration Companion Spanish (Devocionario Para la Misa y la Adoracion) / Vinny & Erin Flynn
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Gospel of Luke: with Introduction, Commentary, Notes & Study Questions / Scott Hahn & Curtis MitchIgnatius Catholic Study Bible: The Gospel of Luke: with Introduction, Commentary, Notes & Study Questions / Scott Hahn & Curtis Mitch

Sub-Total: $989.85

24 item(s), $989.85